I'm talking about Stampin' Up's! CORE COLORS!
Stampin' Up! made a wonderful announcement Yesterday! Stampin' Up! is introducing 5 BRAND NEW colors into our core line of colors AND bringing back 10 retired In-Colors!!!! Yippy!!! The collections are streamlined, updated and GORGEOUS!
Stampin' Up! will be changing to 4 new color collections - each containing 10 colors:
Bights Collection, Naturals Collection, Subtle Collection and Regal Collection
I am so excited. This does mean that a lot of our current colors will be retiring at the end of June- including;
glorious green
green galore
gable green
yoyo yellow
only orange
pink passion
pixie pink
orchid opulence
lovely lilac
brilliant blue
close to cocoa
creamy caramel
really rust
ruby red
cameo coral
summer sun
bordering blue
brocade blue
ballet blue
taken with teal
handsome hunter
pale plum
blush blossom
apricot appeal
barely banana
mellow moss
sage shadow
almost amethyst
lavender lace
basic brown
going gray
This should give you plenty of time to stock up on your favorites! I do recommend an Ink Pad, Re-Inker, Marker, and cardstock in any of these colors that you love.
This is the best NEWS for all of you who keep asking why don't they bring back some of the retired In-Colors, well here they are some of your favorites are coming back as CORE Colors!
Baja Breeze, Melon Mambo, Pink Pirouette, Rich Razzleberry, Riding Hood Red, River Rock, Soft Suede, Tangerine Tango and Wild Wasabi
Yep that’s right they are adding 5 NEW Colors to the CORE Colors!
Marina Mist, Daffodil Delight, Cherry Cobbler, Cajun Craze and Early Espresso
One name change: Kraft will now be known as Crumb Cake, which sounds Yummy!
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